New Lesson on Reparations

We have posted a new lesson, "How to Make Amends: A Lesson on Reparations," by high school teachers Ursula Wolfe-Rocca, Alex Stegner, Chris Buehler, Angela DiPasquale, and Tom McKenna.
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Source: Lorie Shaull; Student Gun Protest | Zinn Education Project

Teaching Resistance in Dangerous Times

The last three years have told a story of continuous resistance. Although not yet strong enough to change the status quo, these growing movements point to a different, better future. We invite you to teach — in our classrooms and in the streets — the hope-inspiring maxim that “people make history.”
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Wade Family | Zinn Education Project

New Lesson on the History of Redlining

Our new lesson about redlining and housing segregation introduces students to the 20th-century housing policies that bankrolled white capital accumulation while halting Black social mobility — and contributed to the injustice of the modern wealth gap.
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Clint Smith | Zinn Education Project

Clint Smith on Teaching About Structural Racism

Poet and educator Clint Smith wrote reflections in a tweet thread after visiting young people in a juvenile detention center. His description of what has been missing from their formal education serves to explain the purpose of many of our lessons.
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Oregon | Zinn Education Project

Job Announcement: Portland Public Schools Climate Justice Coordinator

This is one of the most important new school district positions available: a full-time Climate Justice Coordinator for Portland (Ore.) Public Schools. There will be the opportunity to have a profound impact, since the Climate Justice Coordinator would work with the Portland Public Schools Climate Justice Committee, student activists, frontline communities, and classroom teachers.
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