Lifelong freedom fighter Yuri Kochiyama passed away on June 1, 2014 at the age of 93.
Yuri Kochiyama is most widely known for being outspoken against the World War II arrest and internment of Japanese Americans in conditions that literally killed her father.
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Article. By Staughton Lynd. 2014.
Report on class on A People's History taught by Staughton and Alice Lynd at the Trumbull Correctional Institution.
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Teacher, historian, minister, activist, and author Vincent Harding (July 25, 1931–May 19, 2014) passed away this week at the age of 82.
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Ms. Richardson’s vivid details gave life to facts out of a textbook. It makes me
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On the morning of May 6, 2014, a webcam connected budding student activists and their…
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Letter to the editor of the American Educator in response to “Undue Certainty: Where Howard Zinn’s A People’s History Falls Short.”
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"Thank you for posting the picture of Huey Newton and the children. I am the girl in the picture. I was 11-years-old and volunteering as a typist for the Black Panther Party . . . Today I work on computers, so I am still typing!" -- Annissa Nadirah Karim
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The Zinn Education Project posted all the lessons from The Power in Our Hands: A …
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In the United States, there has been a renewal of interest in slavery, the…
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Howard Zinn passed away four years ago on January 27, 2010. We miss him--we miss his wisdom, his humor, his kindness, his capacity to place just about any current event in its historical context. The phrase "speak truth to power" perfectly describes the life's work of Howard Zinn.
The Zinn Education Project continues to draw inspiration from the words and deeds Zinn left behind.
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Mia Henry has an extensive career in youth development, community organizing, and civic and history…
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Labor activist and scholar Bill Fletcher Jr.’s donation to the Zinn Education Project in honor…
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By Katy Swalwell
This year has been full of examples of people making history. Although newspapers and textbooks often focus on political and military leaders, the real story was with "ordinary people" in the streets who challenged injustice and worked for good.
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When young people learn a more accurate history---including how people have worked together for greater dignity and justice---they are more likely to see themselves as changemakers.
As our favorite teacher, Howard Zinn, said, "I had a modest goal when I became a teacher. I wanted to change the world."
Please join us spreading a people's history to classrooms everywhere. Help us change the world.
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We mourn the death of Nelson Mandela, who died today at age 95. Mandela's sacrifice, courage, and vision inspired people throughout the world, and thousands, if not millions, of young people came to their political awareness through anti-apartheid solidarity actions.
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