
We Shall Remain: America Through Native Eyes

Time Periods: 1961, All US History
Themes: Civil Rights Movements, Laws & Citizen Rights, Native American, Racism & Racial Identity

We Shall Remain (Film) | Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's HistoryWe Shall Remain is a mini-series and provocative multi-media project. Five 90-minute documentaries spanning three hundred years tell the story of pivotal moments in U.S. history from the Native American perspective.

At the heart of the project is a five-part television series that shows how Native peoples valiantly resisted expulsion from their lands and fought the extinction of their culture — from the Wampanoags of New England in the 1600s who used their alliance with the English to weaken rival tribes, to the bold new leaders of the 1970s who harnessed the momentum of the civil rights movement to forge a pan-Indian identity. We Shall Remain represents an unprecedented collaboration between Native and non-Native filmmakers and involves Native advisers and scholars at all levels of the project. [Producer’s description.]



1. After the Mayflower – In 1621, Massasoit, sachem of the Wampanoags of New England negotiated a treaty with Pilgrim settlers. A half-century later, as a brutal war flared between the English and a confederation of Indians, this diplomatic gamble seemed to have been a grave miscalculation. Directed by Chris Eyre.

2. Tecumseh’s Vision – In the course of his brief and meteoric career, Tecumseh would become one of the greatest Native American leaders of all time, orchestrating the most ambitious pan-Indian resistance movement ever mounted on the North American continent. After his death he would live on as a potent symbol of Native pride and pan Indian identity. Directed by Ric Burns and Chris Eyre.

Dec. 29, 1890: Anniversary of the Wounded Knee Massacre (This Day in History) - “We Remember” poster by Bruce Carter | Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's History

“We Remember” poster by Bruce Carter.

3. Trail of Tears – Though the Cherokee embraced “civilization” and won recognition of tribal sovereignty in the U.S. Supreme Court, their resistance to removal from their homeland failed. Thousands were forced on a perilous march to Oklahoma. Directed by Chris Eyre.

4. Geronimo – As the leader of the last Native American fighting force to capitulate to the U.S. government, Geronimo was seen by some as the perpetrator of unspeakable savage cruelties, while to others he was the embodiment of proud resistance. Directed by Dustinn Craig and Sarah Colt.

5. Wounded Knee – In 1973, American Indian Movement activists and residents of the Pine Ridge Reservation occupied the town of Wounded Knee, demanding redress for grievances. As a result of the siege, Indians across the country forged a new path into the future. Directed by Stanley Nelson.

Produced by PBS American Experience


4 comments on “We Shall Remain: America Through Native Eyes

  1. Barbara Lee on

    I would like to see WGBH present again, “NATIVE AMERICANS” which was a documentary they aired in 1991-1992. Now that the Koch brothers sit on the board of WGBH, sadly we will be seeing less and less about Native American History. (And also less & less about Black History or Climate Change). Their greed representing the oil industry would expose the continued injustice of exploiting Native American land for oil profit. So, it is best for the Koch-backed conservative republican party if they can destroy the factual history of the exploitation of Native Americans.

  2. Brigitte A. Renaud on

    Very grateful for this educational with regards to where many have had to endure too much! Meegwetch! Where can one obtain movie/video…?

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