
The Tracing Center

Materials for teaching about the economics of slavery based on the film, “Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep.”

Themes: Slavery and Resistance

tracingcenter_logoThe Tracing Center was founded in 2009 to build on the work of the Emmy-nominated PBS documentary, Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North.

tracesofthetradeThe mission is to create greater awareness of the extent of the nation’s complicity in slavery and the transatlantic slave trade and to inspire acknowledgement, dialogue and active response to this history and its many legacies. This is done for the purpose of racial justice, healing, and reconciliation, for the benefit of all.

The Tracing Center engages people of all backgrounds in programming that blends the historical and the contemporary, the personal and the social, “head” and “heart.”  They offer programs aimed at general audiences, as well as programming designed especially for educational settings, communities of faith, public history institutions, and workplaces. [Website description.]