Books: Non-Fiction

Rise Up Singing

Time Periods: All US History
Themes: Art & Music, Labor

riseupsingingWords, chords and sources to 1200 songs. Sections include Freedom, Friendship, Hope, Women, Men, Work, Rich & Poor, Time & Change, Unity and more. A great resource of song lyrics to incorporate into lessons or to enjoy singing.

ISBN: 9781881322122 | Sing Out! Publications

“This is the best, most exhilarating and glorious history of the United States: a singing history. It is more than a lovely songbook—it’s a play-work-fight-freedom hymnal.”  —Studs Terkel, author, Hope Dies Last


“Singing improves the quality of life, making us feel better, stronger, wiser. Here are several hundred songs to get started on!”  —Holly Near, author, Fire in the Rain