No History is Illegal: Teach-in

The Network of Teacher Activist Groups (TAG), a national coalition of grassroots teacher organizing groups, has launched No History is Illegal: A Campaign to Save our Stories. The campaign will offer a month of solidarity teach-ins in support of Tucson’s Mexican American Studies (MAS) program.

Arizona politicians recently ruled against the highly successful Mexican American Studies program and removed books from classrooms. (Background info.)

In the month of February, the Teacher Activist Groups (TAG) invited everyone to respond to this attack by teaching lessons from and about the banned MAS program.

TAG also invites everyone to sign this pledge:

“In solidarity with the students and teachers in the Mexican America Studies program in Tucson, AZ, I pledge my support to teach and raise awareness about their struggle and to ensure that the perspectives and stories of historically marginalized populations are kept alive in our classrooms and communities.”


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