Books: Non-Fiction

Eyes Wide Open: Going Behind the Environmental Headlines

Time Periods: 21st Century, 2001-
Themes: Climate Justice, Environment

Eyes Wide Openeyeswideopen9780763675455 is a delightfully readable primer on the environmental crisis, especially focusing on what keeps people from addressing it, well, with eyes wide open.

Here’s what you won’t find in the book, Fleischman promises: “a list of Fifty Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth.” Fleischman offers irreverent observations about the rich and powerful, and how overlapping mechanisms of obfuscation prevent us from recognizing the enormity of the environmental crisis and what we need to do to address it. All along the way, Eyes Wide Open includes valuable annotated suggestions for further reading and watching, so the book also has a curricular dimension.

Use Eyes Wide Open alongside the Rethinking Schools book, A People’s Curriculum for the Earth: Teaching Climate Change and the Environmental Crisis. [Review by Rethinking Schools.]


Climate Justice More Resources Ad | Zinn Education ProjectWith simple, matter-of-fact language, an attractive layout and an abundance of references, this compact guide to addressing climate change is a must-read for millennials and for all who seek solutions to global warming. … For high schools that assign one book for all students to read and discuss: This is the one. —Kirkus

[A] challenging and provocative overview of current environmental and sociological problems, which urges readers to think critically and broadly about the world. . . Few readers will look at the world the same way after finishing this book. —Publishers Weekly

Written in a lively style, lavishly illustrated, and timely in its subject matter, this well-researched book is a call to action: now is the time to save our environment. . . The presentation of facts and the author’s positive message are what shine here. An excellent and thought-provoking take on a well-worn subject. —School Library Journal

ISBN: 9780763675455 | Candlewick Press

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