Books: Non-Fiction

“All the Real Indians Died Off”: And 20 Other Myths about Native Americans

Book — Non-fiction. By Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz and Dina Gilio-Whitaker. 2016. 224 pages.
Deconstructs persistent myths about American Indians rooted in fear and prejudice — an astute and lively primer of European-Indian relations.

Time Periods: 18th Century, 19th Century, 20th Century, 21st Century, All US History
Themes: Native American

“All the Real Indians Died Off”: And 20 Other Myths About Native Americans (Book) | Zinn Education Project: Teaching People's HistoryAs Dunbar-Ortiz and Gilio-Whitaker explain: “Most U.S. citizens” knowledge about Indians is inaccurate, distorted, or limited to elementary school textbooks, cheesy old spaghetti westerns, or more contemporary films like Danc­es with Wolves or The Last of the Mohicans.”

All the Real Indians Died Off is an astute and lively primer of European-Indian relations. “Columbus the Discoverer,” the “welcoming Thanksgiving,” Indian “savage­ry,” “benevolent presidents,” the “gift of reservations,” “honoring” Native Americans with sports mascots, “casinos have made Indians rich”, Dun­bar-Ortiz and Gilio-Whitaker brilliantly dissect these and other myths. These myths are not just unfortunate. They legitimate the ongoing oppression and exploitation of this country’s First Nations people. The language is not always high school student friendly, but every teacher will learn lots from this fine book. [Description by Rethinking Schools.]

ISBN: 9780807062654  | Beacon Press